US government takes strict action on Banning the social media accounts of politicians. only blocked the Trump's accounts.


 Florida The US state of Florida has passed a law imposing heavy fines on social media companies that close the accounts of politicians.   The controversial bill, gone by both houses of the Florida Legislature, has been sent to Governor Ron de Saints for signature.  Under the law, social networking sites are allowed to suspend politicians' accounts for 14 days, and violators are often fined up to  250,000 dollar each day. The legislation was strongly protested last month by Net Choice, a gaggle promoting freedom of expression on the web. Steve del Bianco, CEO of Net Choice, says the results of the law might be unintended. Although the bill has been gone by both houses of state, it's likely to be challenged in court by technology companies, because it violates US First Amendment rights. Florida Gov. Ron de Saints may be a close ally of former President Donald Trump. And after the riots on Capitol Hill in January this year, Twitter banned Donald Trump and YouTube, Facebook suspended the previous president accounts.   

  US government releases the order only blocked the trumps account. 

Mark Zuckerberg made a big announcement on President Trump's demand to close social media accounts


NEW YORK (Monitoring Desk) - US President Donald Trump has been making full use of social media since his election campaign, and the way he describes everything from foreign policy to domestic politics on social media, it often seems that the government is the one using social media. Running through. There was a growing demand on the Internet for President Trump to shut down his social media accounts. Now Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has responded to this demand.

According to Mail Online, Mark has said that he does not agree with President Trump's demand to close social media accounts because he thinks social media companies cannot decide to censor politicians.

"People have to decide which politician's statements on social media are credible, what they should believe and who they should vote for," said Mark Zuckerberg. American citizens need to think for themselves. It is not the responsibility of social media companies to close the accounts of politicians and censor them, nor is it our responsibility to know which politician is making statements on social media. ”

This statement by Mark Zuckerberg is being sharply criticized by US senators and other bigwigs. Senator Elizabeth Warren wrote on her Twitter account that "Mark Zuckerberg's speech today shows that he has learned very little from 2016 and that Facebook is not ready to handle the 2020 election."


It should be noted that President Trump's demand is being made from within the United States itself. Leading US Senator Kamala Devi Harris was the first to call for the closure of President Trump's Twitter account.

US government takes strict action on Banning the social media accounts of politicians. only blocked the Trump's accounts. US government takes strict action on Banning the social media accounts of politicians. only blocked the Trump's accounts. Reviewed by Sohaib Ahmed on May 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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